REST API - updatePageFlow

The table summarizes the REST API - updatePageFlow.


PUT <baseurl>/pageflow/update/<processid>/<activityid>
Path parameters
  • processid: Unique identifier of the pageflow process instance.
  • activityid: Unique identifier of the in-progress page activity.

processID and activityId can be obtained from the previous startPageFlow or updatePageFlow response. See Displaying a Form in a Pageflow for more information.

Query parameters responsetype=long (optional, default=JSON): Enumerated value defining the format of the data payload to be used in the response message - either XML or JSON.
Body dataPayload element: Contains the data to be updated for this page activity, as returned by the form. See Displaying a Form in a Pageflow for more information.
Note: If the data payload contains ComplexSpec parameters, you can view their structure in TIBCO Business Studio. There is no API to determine the structure. To view the structure in TIBCO Business Studio, you must export the XML schema, which shows the structure to which the data must conform. For information, see Obtaining Information from TIBCO Business Studio.


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the contents of an updatePageFlowResponse element.
XML Returns the contents of an updatePageFlowResponse element (from the PageFlowService schema).


PUT <baseurl>/pageflow/update/pvm%3A0a10i/pvm%3A001gi.5
Request body
<payload payloadMode="JSON"> <serializedPayload>{"items":[{"$param":"UserName","$value":"Jeffries","type":"String","mode":"INOUT"}]}</serializedPayload>
    "xml-fragment": {
        "@executionState": "IN_PROGRESS",
        "context": {
            "pageFlowTemplate": {
                "@moduleName": "/UpdateDetails/ProcessPackages/UpdateDetails.xpdl",
                "@processName": "UpdateDetails",
                "@version": ""
            "processReference": {
                "id": "pvm:0a10i",
                "name": "UpdateDetails"
        "pageData": {
            "pageReference": {
                "@activityId": "pvm:001gi.6",
                "@activityModelId": "_M9nZIG6_EeKJYMjI6VIxTg",
                "@activityName": "ShowDetails",
                "@moduleName": "/UpdateDetails/ProcessPackages/UpdateDetails.xpdl",
                "@moduleVersion": "",
                "@processName": "UpdateDetails"
            "payload": {
                "@payloadMode": "JSON",
                "serializedPayload": "{\"items\":[{\"$param\":\"UserName\",\"$value\":[\"Jeffries\"],\"type\":\"String\",\"mode\":\"INOUT\"}]}"