
The <bpm-case-instance-summary> business component displays case summary information for one or more cases.

The component's internal controller invokes the CaseManagementService.getCaseInformation operation to provide the data that is displayed from the CaseManagementModel.caseRefInformation object.

If you want to customize the contents of the <bpm-case-instance-summary> business component, see Customizing a Business Component for more information.


   case-ref="string" | case-references-array="array"


Name Type Description
case-ref String Single case reference for which case summary information should be displayed.
case-references-array Array Array of case references for which case summary information should be displayed.
on-click-case-instance-summary Function reference Defines the actions to be performed when the user selects one of the displayed case instances.
config Object (Optional) Defines whether the data should be displayed using a CARD or LIST format. The default option is CARD. The parameter is viewType, of type String.
template-path String (Optional) Relative pathname of a custom template file to use in place of the internal template
Note: case-ref and case-references-array are mutually exclusive.


The <bpm-case-instance-summary> business component is used in the Case Management application when you click a Case Type on the main Cases pane.