Re-Deploying for Live Development a Project that Has Changed

When a set of projects have already been deployed to a server (either using drag-and-drop on to the server in TIBCO Business Studio BPM Edition or using Deploy Project), use these steps to re-deploy for Live Development of a project that has changed.


  1. Create a Deploy Project (New > File > Deploy Project).
  2. Select Add Resources in the Deploy Project Editor, and select the resources you want to deploy.
  3. In the Administrator Configuration Connection pane, select the online server to be used (for example, Local Development Server).
  4. Select Re-deploy in the Deploy Project Editor for all the application resources to be deployed. If only one project has changed and needs to be re-deployed then select the Re-deploy action for the project and all of its dependent projects (which will be listed above it in the editor).
  5. Select Configure Application for all of the changed projects (and also re-generate the DAAs). Any project that changes needs to be re-configured before re-deployment.
  6. Click Generate Scripts for all of the changed projects.
  7. Go to the Scripts folder in the Deploy Project.
  8. Set TIBCO-HOME to the location of the TIBCO Business Studio installation folder.
  9. Run the build.xml file (right-click and select Run As > Ant Build).