
The method returns an array of objects, each representing one item currently displayed in the list.

This method can be used with the following list types:

  • Work Views (‘wccWorkViews’)
  • Work Items (‘wccWorkItems’)
  • Process Views (‘wccProcessViews’)
  • Process Instances (‘wccProcessInstances’)
  • Business Services (‘wccBusinessServices’)
  • Event Views (‘wccEventViews’)
  • Event Viewer (‘wccEventViewer’)
  • Process Templates (‘wccProcessTemplates’)
  • Process Templates Ex (‘wccProcessTemplatesEx’)

This method is called from the list container object whose displayed-item information you want returned. An example is shown below:

var oWorkItems ='wccWorkItems');
var oDisplayedWorkItems = oWorkItems.getDisplayedListItems();

Also see doRefresh.

The getDisplayedListItems method returns an array of objects, each one representing an item displayed in the list. The properties on each object depends on the list type, as follows:

  • Work Views:
    • oItem.view - name of the view
    • oItem.description - description for the view
    • oItem.type - either "UserEdit" or "Default"
    • oItem.parentNode - either "MYWORK" or "SUPERVISEDWORK"
    • oItem.filter - base filter associated with the work item list displayed for this view
    • oItem.temporary - (optional) "true" if it is a temporary list; not preserved after logout
    • oItem.entityType - (optional) for supervised lists, this indicates the type of organizational entity associated with the work list (RESOURCE, GROUP, or POSITION)
    • oItem.guid - (optional) for supervised lists, the unique identifier for the organizational entity
    • oItem.modelVersion - (optional) for supervised lists, the model version of the organizational entity
    • oItem.SupervisedWorkItemState - (optional) for supervised lists, the state of the items listed, either "Offered" or "Allocated"
  • Work Items:
    • oItem.version
    • oItem.description
    • oItem.startDate
    • oItem.endDate
    • oItem.distributionStrategy
    • oItem.priority
    • oItem.groupId
    • oItem.activityId
    • oItem.appId
    • oItem.appInstance
    • oItem.appName
    • oItem.scheduleStatus
    • oItem.state
    • oItem.workTypeId
    • oItem.workTypeUid
    • oItem.workTypeVersion
    • oItem.workTypeDescription
    • oItem.attribute1
    • oItem.attribute2
    • oItem.attribute3
    • oItem.attribute4
    • oItem.attribute5
    • oItem.attribute6
    • oItem.attribute7
    • oItem.attribute8
    • oItem.attribute9
    • oItem.attribute10
    • oItem.attribute11
    • oItem.attribute12
    • oItem.attribute13
    • oItem.attribute14
    • oItem.attribute15
    • oItem.attribute16
    • oItem.attribute17
    • oItem.attribute18
    • oItem.attribute19
    • oItem.attribute20
    • oItem.attribute21
    • oItem.attribute22
    • oItem.attribute23
    • oItem.attribute24
    • oItem.attribute25
    • oItem.attribute26
    • oItem.attribute27
    • oItem.attribute28
    • oItem.attribute29
    • oItem.attribute30
    • oItem.attribute31
    • oItem.attribute32
    • oItem.attribute33
    • oItem.attribute34
    • oItem.attribute35
    • oItem.attribute36
    • oItem.attribute37
    • oItem.attribute38
    • oItem.attribute39
    • oItem.attribute40
  • Business Services:

    Note that business services in the list are only retrieved when the categories headers are opened. Keep that in mind when retrieving the displayed list items. Also, the list may include duplicates when a service is returned as part of a query or is one of the recent items.

    • oItem.processName
    • oItem.description
    • oItem.modelName
    • oItem.version
  • Process Views:
    • oItem.view
    • oItem.description
    • oItem.type - "UserEdit" or "Default"
    • oItem.templateIds
  • Process Instances:
    • oItem.instanceStatus
    • oItem.instanceVersion
    • oItem.instanceName
    • oItem.moduleName
    • oItem.instanceWaitingWorkCount
    • oItem.instancepriority
    • oItem.instanceParentProcessId
    • oItem.instanceStartDate
    • oItem.instanceActivityFaultData
    • oItem.instanceActivityFaultName
    • oItem.instanceFailedActivityName
    • oItem.* - (optional) Any custom attributes that are displayed for the list are also included. Note that for an attribute to be displayed, it must exist in all of the processes included in the list.
  • Event Views:
    • oItem.view
    • oItem.descriptionType - "summary" or "detail"
    • oItem.filterId - "Summary" or "All"
    • oItem.viewType - "context" or …
    • oItem.description
    • oItem.filter
  • Event Viewer:
    • oItem.* - There are a variety of properties for items returned by the event viewer, with different event types returning different subsets of data. To find the specific property name used for data, you could examine what is returned for an entry that includes it. Or you can build a filter that includes the attribute, then without actually saving the filter, choose to show the expression and see the name that is used in that expression.
  • Process Templates and Process Templates Ex:
    • oItem.processName
    • oItem.description
    • oItem.moduleName
    • oItem.version
    • oItem.priority
    • oItem.creationDate

      Note that the data for these lists includes entries for the specific versions of processes.

      For the Process Template Ex lists there are also entries that are not version specific for each process. The only value specified in these entries is the processName. Also, this list type is presented as a tree with check boxes, so when retrieving the selected items, it returns all checked entries.