SOAP API - stopPurgeAudit

The table summarizes the SOAP API - stopPurgeAudit.

Request Uses the stopPurgeAuditRequest element (from the EventCollectorManagementService schema).
Parameter Notes options: The only parameter for this request is a list of options, none of which are themselves mandatory.
Response Returns a stopPurgeAuditResponse element (from the EventCollectorManagementService schema).
Parameter notes
  • statusMessage: Expands on the status code to provide data about the purge, such as the number of instances deleted. See Purge Audit Status .
  • status: Indicates the status of the purge:
    • PURGE_COMPLETED: The purge had already completed by the time that the StopPurgeAudit instruction was issued.
    • PURGE_FAILED: The purge failed because it encountered an error. The stack trace for the failure is reported in the stopPurgeAuditResponse and you can check the BPM.log for more information.
    • PURGE_STOPPED: The purge has been successfully stopped.
Example Request:
  <stopPurgeAuditResponse xmlns="">
     <status xmlns="">
       <statusMessage>Purge operation [EC-PURGE-1373385259591] stopped successfully!</statusMessage>