Show Logout Button

The showLogoutButton parameter controls whether or not the Logout button is displayed.

This parameter can be used to hide the Logout button in single sign on (SSO) implementations, for example, when using Kerberos, as the session is controlled externally from the application. Therefore, the Logout button has no meaning in that situation.

Also note that if you are hiding the Logout button in an SSO implementation, you should also ensure that the authenticationMode parameter's mode attribute is set to "useSessionByDefault" so that the existing external session is used, and the Login dialog is not displayed.


  1. Open the config.xml file.

    For information about how this file should be opened (that is, via the Configuration Administrator or via the file system), see Introduction.

  2. Locate the showLogoutButton record in the config.xml file. For example:

    <record jsxid="showLogoutButton" showLogout="true">
  3. Set the showLogout attribute to one of the following:
    • "true" - Displays the Logout button.
    • "false" - Hides the Logout button.
  4. Save and close the config.xml file.