Using the rulesinfo Utility to Validate the Event Probe Rules and Event Rules Files
The TIBCO_HOME\bpm\version\bin\rulesinfo utility can be used to show, validate or test proposed modifications to the event processing rules that are defined in the event probe rules file (ec-probe-rules.xml) and event rules file (ec-event-rules.xml).
Use the following command:
rulesinfo mode [-configdir configFolder] [-debug] [-eventrules eventRulesFile] [-proberules probeRulesFile] [-event event]
- mode: Specifies the rulesinfo operation that you want to run. One of:
- -configdir configFolder: Specify this option if you want to run the specified
rulesinfo operation using either or both of the rules files in the ActiveMatrix BPM configuration directory (ec-probe-rules.xml and
configFolder must be the full pathname of the ActiveMatrix BPM configuration directory - for example, CONFIG_HOME\bpm\bpm_app_name\configuration.
- -debug: Reserved for internal TIBCO use only. Do not use this option unless instructed to do so by TIBCO Support.
- -eventrules
eventRulesFile: Specify this option if you want to run the specified rulesinfo operation using a different event rules file.
eventRulesFile must be the full pathname of the file that you want to use. If you have also specified the -configdir option, the -eventrules option takes precedence, so the eventRulesFile is used instead of the configFolder\ec-event-rules.xml file.
- -proberules
probeRulesFile: Specify this option if you want to run the specified rulesinfo operation using a different event probe rules file.
probeRulesFile must be the full pathname of the file that you want to use. If you have also specified the -configdir option, the -proberules option takes precedence, so the probeRulesFile is used instead of the configFolder\ec-probe-rules.xml file.
- -event event: Reserved for internal TIBCO use only. Do not use this option unless instructed to do so by TIBCO Support.
rulesinfo Examples
Whichever mode is chosen, rulesinfo first displays a NOTICE outlining the type of problems it will and will not find, and the files that it is going to check. For example:
------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTICE: RulesInfo is a tool for validating EventCollector Rules. It is intended to be used in conjunction with testing, NOT as a substitute. The following types of validation are currently done by RulesInfo: - Check for missing messageIds for each end-feature The following things will NOT be identified by RulesInfo: - Additional messages added to channels which may not be required/desirable - Expressions used in channels (except for the StatsAreaTrigger default expression - Expressions used in channels (except for the StatsAreaTrigger default expression - Modification of messageProcesses such that events are not suitable for the destination ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [EC_PROBE_RULES]: /home/auser/Desktop/ec-probe-rules.xml [EC_EVENT_RULES]: /home/auser/Desktop/ec-event-rules.xml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The output for the appropriate operation is then displayed.
rulesinfo print - Example
c:\>rulesinfo print -configdir C:\ProgramData\bpm1\tibco\data\bpm\\configuration ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOTICE: RulesInfo is a tool for validating EventCollector Rules. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [EC_PROBE_RULES]: C:\ProgramData\bpm1\tibco\data\bpm\\configuration\ec-probe-rules.xml [EC_EVENT_RULES]: C:\ProgramData\bpm1\tibco\data\bpm\\configuration\ec-event-rules.xml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rules currently in operation for : PROBE_RULES : C:\ProgramData\bpm1\tibco\data\bpm\\configuration\ec-probe-rules.xml: Attribute Sets Defined: Attribute Set Definition: genericAttributes Attributes: attribute1, attribute2, ... MessageProcesses: Process: LocalLoggingProcessNoManagedObjectDetails Parent: LocalLoggingProcess Excluded Attributes: Attributes: managedObjectDetails Process: CentralECErrWarnProcess Process: CentralECAuditProcessNoManagedObjectDetails Parent: CentralECAuditProcessExclusions Excluded Attributes: Attributes: managedObjectDetails Process: CentralECAuditProcess Included Attributes: AllPrimaries: true . . RuleSets: RuleSet: Name: default_localfile Target: LOCALFILE Rule: Name: skipped_messages_log Order: 200 Process: null Filter: MessageIds: WPCORE_PROCESSWORKITEM_PUSH_WORK_FAILED Rule: Name: BDSMessages_localfile Order: 800 Process: LocalLoggingProcessNoManagedObjectDetails Filter: Component: BDS Rule: Name: BaseRule_locafile Order: 1000 Process: LocalLoggingProcess Filter: RuleSet: Name: default_centralec Target: CENTRALEC Rule: Name: not_needed_severities Order: 100 Process: null Filter: Severities: TRACE,INFO,DEBUG Rule: Name: skipped_messages_audit Order: 200 Process: null Filter: MessageIds: WPCORE_PROCESSWORKITEM_PUSH_WORK_FAILED Rule: Name: BDSMessages_centralec Order: 600 Process: CentralECAuditProcessNoManagedObjectDetails Filter: MessageIds: BDS_GLOBAL_DATA_CREATE_CASE, BDS_GLOBAL_DATA_UPDATE_CASE, BDS_GLOBAL_DATA_DELETE_CASE_BY_REF, BDS_GLOBAL_DATA_DELETE_CASE_BY_CID, BDS_GLOBAL_DATA_ENT_INTERNAL_LINK_CASE, . . BDS_GLOBAL_DATA_NOTIFICATION_QUEUE_RETRY, BDS_GLOBAL_DATA_UNDEPLOY_DELETED_SUBSCRIPTION Component: BDS Rules currently in operation for : EVENT_RULES : C:\ProgramData\bpm1\tibco\data\bpm\\configuration\ec-event-rules.xml: . .
rulesinfo validate - Example 1
To validate the ec-probe-rules.xml file in the CONFIG_HOME directory and a test version of the ec-event-rules.xml file:
c:\>rulesinfo validate -configdir C:\ProgramData\bpm1\tibco\data\bpm\\configuration -eventrules C:\rulestest\ec-event-rules.xml
rulesinfo validate - Example 2
To validate test versions of the ec-probe-rules.xml and ec-event-rules-v03.xml files:
c:\>rulesinfo validate -eventrules C:\rulestest\ec-event-rules-v03.xml -proberules C:\rulestest\ec-probe-rules.xml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ NOTICE: RulesInfo is a tool for validating EventCollector Rules. . . ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [EC_PROBE_RULES]: C:\rulestest\ec-probe-rules.xml [EC_EVENT_RULES]: C:\rulestest\ec-event-rules-v03.xml ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ WARNING: ec-event-rules uses an expression in an unexpected place. This is valid but will compromise the accuracy of validation by RulesInfo. Extra care should be taken Validating: Purge and Archive events Validation Area Complete. 0 problems detected. Validating: Statistics Collector events ---EC_PROBE_RULES channel CENTRALEC is missing BX_PROCESS_SUSPENDED_ON_ERROR ---EC_EVENT_RULES channel StagingAreaTrigger accepts BX_INSTANCE_TASKS_COMPLETED Validation Area Complete. 2 problems detected. Validating: Audit Trail events ---EC_PROBE_RULES channel CENTRALEC is missing BDS_DOCUMENT_EX_LINK_DOCUMENT Validation Area Complete. 1 problems detected. Validating: Graphical Audit events Validation Area Complete. 0 problems detected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Validation Complete. 1 overall warning(s), and 3 specific warning(s) detected.