Testing the Sample Application

A load test is provided which exercises the BookOrderTutorial application previously deployed. You need to run this load test.


  • Running installation of ActiveMatrix
    1. Go to TIBCO_HOME/amx/<version>/samples/hawk/amxproject.
    2. Edit the build.properties to set the TIBCO_HOME (root directory for ActiveMatrix installation).
    3. Edit the remote_props.properties to configure the adminURL and authentication settings for your Admin Server.
    4. Run the ANT project with the following command (replace $TIBCO_HOME with your installation path):
      • java -cp $TIBCO_HOME/tools/lib/antpackage.jar
      • org.apache.tools.ant.launch.Launcher deploy.bookorder
  • soapUI (see soapui.org)


  1. Import the provided soapUI project : TIBCO_HOME/amx/<version>/samples/hawk/amxproject/BookOrderTutorial/so apui/AMX3BookOrderTutorial-soapui-project.xml.
    A load test is provided which exercises the BookOrderTutorial application previously deployed. This load test is called "orderBookLoadTest".
  2. Run this load test.
    You can now verify the service metrics using the ActiveMatrix Service microagent.