REST API - listProcessInstances

The table summarizes the REST API - listProcessInstances.


GET <baseurl>/process/list/instance/<module>/<process>/<version>
Path parameters
  • module: Name of the module to which the process template belongs.
  • process: Name of the process template whose instances are to be returned.
  • version: OSGi-style version number of the process template. (This version number is the same as that of the module.)

    These parameters can be obtained from listProcessTemplates , queryProcessTemplates , and queryProcessTemplatesAlt.

Note: If the string '#IN_MEMORY' is appended to the module, the operation returns in-memory process instances. When using the '#IN_MEMORY' option, wildcards ('*' or '?') cannot be used in the module. The module must either be specified in full, or left blank. (A blank module returns all in-memory instances that match the specified process and/or version.)


JSON Returns a JSON representation of the content of the processInstances element.
XML Returns the content of the processInstances element (from the ProcessManagement schema).


GET <baseurl>/process/list/instance/HelpDesk%2FProcess%20Packages%2FHelpDesk.xpdl/InternalHelpDeskA/
  "proc:processInstance": {
    "@xmlns:proc": "",
    "proc:processQName": {
      "proc:moduleName": "/HelpDesk/Process Packages/HelpDesk.xpdl",
      "proc:processName": "InternalHelpDeskA",
      "proc:version": ""
    "proc:id": "pvm:0a12m",
    "proc:state": "ACTIVE",
    "proc:startTime": "2013-01-18T10:23:31.250-08:00",
    "proc:completionTime": {
      "@xsi:nil": "true",
      "@xmlns:xsi": ""
    "proc:waitingWorkCount": "1"