Accessing Your Editable Work Views

Work views that you have been given permission to edit (in other words, you have been made an Author of) are not displayed in your work view list by default.

Note: If you have been specified as a User of a work view, the work view is automatically displayed in your Work View list. You do not have to load it.

To display a work view that you have been given permission to access, you must load the work view into your work view list.


  1. Click The icon is a dialog with an arrow pointing upwards on top of it..
    The Load existing view: Public views dialog is displayed.
  2. Select Show editable views.
    A list of work views that you have permission to edit is displayed.
  3. Select the work views you want to add to your work view list. You can select multiple work views.
  4. Click Load selected view(s).
    The work views display in your Work View list.