Organization Model Properties

Tab Property Description
General Label The displayed name of the Organization Model. You can re-name the Organization Model here by entering a new name.
  Name The internal name. This defaults to the same value as the Label, but with any internal spaces removed.
  Version The version of the Organization Model. This defaults to the version specified when the project was created, which in turn defaults to 1.0.0.qualifier. You can retain this or enter a different version for the Organization Model in the standard Eclipse form of:

There is a limit of 6 on the number of organization model versions supported.

Changes to the version of the Organization Model do not directly affect other project artifacts, such as process packages. However, all references within a project must be to the same major version of the Organization Model.

At run-time, the Organization Model Versionfield in the Organization Browser in Workspace displays only the first digit of this version number, that is the major version.

  Author The username that created the Organization Model.

The name of the author can be defined in the User Name: field on Window > Preferences > User Profile. If no user is defined there, it uses the default user system property.

  Date Created The date the Organization Model was created.
Privileges - Assigned Privilege The name of the Privilege associated with this Organization Model. Click the picker to open the Select Type dialog to add or remove a Privilege.
  Qualifier Value

You can enter qualifying information here if required. See "Capabilities and Privileges" in TIBCO Business Studio Concepts Guide for more information about qualifications.

System Actions Name The name of the system action.

If you associate one or more privileges with a system action, they are listed on the lines below that action. Click to expand the display and show the privileges, and click to collapse the display.

Click to assign a privilege to a system action. The Select Type dialog is displayed, enabling you to add or remove a privilege. You can also remove a privilege by selecting it and clicking .

Click to move the privilege up the list, or to move it down. These icons are only available if there is more than one privilege attached to a system action.

  Qualifier Value If a privilege has qualifying information specified, this column lists the value of the qualifier.

Click to reset the value of a qualifier to the default value defined for it.

Resource Property
Value Displays the Label and Name of the Organization Model. You can edit the values from this tab by clicking on the Value field.