Setting Configuration Information to Default Values

Anytime a change is made to configuration information using the Configuration Administrator, it is written to the database—it does not ever modify the original configuration file on the file system.

The Configuration Administrator also provides a function that allows you to restore the default values for any or all of the configuration files. This causes the values in the original configuration file(s) to be written to the database, overwriting any changes that had been made to those configurations.


  1. In the Configuration Administrator left pane, select the configuration file whose default values you want to restore (if you want to restore the default values for all configuration files, it doesn’t matter what is currently selected), then click the Defaults button in the lower portion of the left pane.

    The following dialog is displayed:

  2. Select the appropriate option, as follows:
    • Restore Selected Configuration Only - Select this to restore only the configuration values from the file that was selected when you clicked the Default button.

      Note that this option is disabled if one of the "folders" in the left pane was selected rather than one of the files.

    • Restore All Configurations - Select this to restore the default values for all of the configuration files listed in the left pane.

      Note that the way in which default values are restored for the event configuration files depends on whether the event role existed in the deployment.

      For example, if a "LoanManager" event role existed when the application was deployed, event configuration files for that event role will exist in the file system—in this case, the default configuration values will be read from the LoanManager role configuration files.

      If the LoanManager role was added after deployment, event configuration files for that role will not exist in the file system. Therefore, if you restore event configuration information for the LoanManager role, the Configuration Administrator will read the event configuration information for the "default" role from the file system, and write that information to the database for the LoanManager role. (The same occurs if files for a deployed role are deleted from the file system—configuration values are read from the files for the default role.)

  3. Click OK to restore the configuration defaults.

    An asterisk appears to the left of the name of each file that has been modified.

  4. Click either Apply to save the changes in the database and keep the Configuration Administrator open, or OK to save the changes in the database and close the Configuration Administrator.