simpleType XmlLockVersion
type xs:int
base xs:int
used by
attributes XmlUpdatedCalendar/@version XmlWorkCalendar/@version
A value used to provide optimistic locking of Calendars, and Calendar Entries.
The XmlLockVersion returned in the responses to getCalendar and getCalendarEntries requests must be passed to a subsequent update request for the same Calendar or CalendarEntry.
The value is then used to detect concurrent updates to the same record, and reject those updates made on stale information.
source <xs:simpleType name="XmlLockVersion">
<xs:documentation>A value used to provide optimistic locking of Calendars, and Calendar Entries.
The XmlLockVersion returned in the responses to getCalendar and getCalendarEntries requests must be passed to a subsequent update request for the same Calendar or CalendarEntry.
The value is then used to detect concurrent updates to the same record, and reject those updates made on stale information.
<xs:restriction base="xs:int"/>

XML Schema documentation generated by XMLSpy Schema Editor