getCalendarEntries Get the working time for a given entity.
input | impl:getCalendarEntriesRequest Request message (uses calendar:getCalendarEntries element): Identifies the GUID for which working time details are required with an optional filter on the response to be provided.
| output | impl:getCalendarEntriesResponse Response message (uses calendar:getCalendarEntriesResponse element): Contains a complete description of working time for the specified entity.
| fault | impl:calendarFault Error message (uses ex:CalendarFault): The request could not be processed either due to a badly formed request or invalid working time informaiton.
| fault | impl:securityFault Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorisation failure.
updateWorkingDays Specify the working days for a given entity.
input | impl:updateWorkingDaysRequest Request message (uses calendar:updateWorkingDays element): Identifies the GUID for which working day details are to be modified and the working day information for that calendar.
| output | impl:updateWorkingDaysResponse Response message (uses calendar:updateWorkingDaysResponse element): Contains a confirmation that the request was successful.
| fault | impl:calendarFault Error message (uses ex:CalendarFault): The request could not be processed either due to a badly formed request or invalid working time informaiton.
| fault | impl:securityFault Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorisation failure.
addWorkingDayExceptions Add working day exceptions for a given entity.
input | impl:addWorkingDayExceptionsRequest Request message (uses calendar:addWorkingDayExceptions element): Identifies the GUID for which working day exception details are to be created and the new working day exception information.
| output | impl:addWorkingDayExceptionsResponse Response message (uses calendar:addWorkingDayExceptionsResponse element): Contains a list of GUIDs for each newly created working day exception.
| fault | impl:calendarFault Error message (uses ex:CalendarFault): The request could not be processed either due to a badly formed request or invalid working time informaiton.
| fault | impl:securityFault Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorisation failure.
updateWorkingDayExceptions Update working day exceptions for a given entity.
input | impl:updateWorkingDayExceptionsRequest Request message (uses calendar:updateWorkingDayExceptions element): Identifies the GUID for which working day exception details are to be modified and the updated working day exception information.
| output | impl:updateWorkingDayExceptionsResponse Response message (uses calendar:updateWorkingDayExceptionsResponse element): Contains a confirmation that the request was successful.
| fault | impl:calendarFault Error message (uses ex:CalendarFault): The request could not be processed either due to a badly formed request or invalid working time informaiton.
| fault | impl:securityFault Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorisation failure.
deleteWorkingDayExceptions Delete working day exceptions for a given entity.
input | impl:deleteWorkingDayExceptionsRequest Request message (uses calendar:deleteWorkingDayExceptions element): Identifies the GUID for which working day exception details are to be removed and the GUIDs identifying those exceptions.
| output | impl:deleteWorkingDayExceptionsResponse Response message (uses calendar:deleteWorkingDayExceptionsResponse element): Contains a confirmation that the request was successful.
| fault | impl:calendarFault Error message (uses ex:CalendarFault): The request could not be processed either due to a badly formed request or invalid working time informaiton.
| fault | impl:securityFault Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorisation failure.