porttype DirectoryService
Get information about LDAP containers and manage LDAP entries.
Lists details of all the LDAP connection shared resources available to Directory Engine.
Request message (uses dir:listLdapConnections element): Requests a list of all available LDAP connections.
Response message (uses dir:listLdapConnectionsResponse element): Returns a list of all available LDAP connections and their URLs.
Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.

Gets details of a specified LDAP entry.
Request message (uses dir:getLdapEntry element): Identifies an LDAP entry and requests details.
Response message (uses dir:getLdapEntryResponse element): Gives details of the specified LDAP entry.
Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.

Enters an LDAP query and returns the Distinguished Names (DNs) of all those entries that match the query. The query traverses all sub-tree nodes starting from the node identified by the base-dn attribute.
Request message (uses dir:executeLdapQuery element): Identifies an LDAP connection shared resource and specifies the query to be resolved against that resource.
Response message (uses dir:executeLdapQueryResponse element): Lists the DNs of all LDAP entries that match the given LDAP query.
Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.

Lists the names of those attributes that are available from the LDAP entries associated with the named LDAP connection
Request message (uses dir:listAttributeNames element): Identifies an LDAP connection by its alias to be searched for LDAP entries. The search can be further limited by specifying a base-dn, an LDAP query as a filter, and a sample size.
Response message (uses dir:listAttributeNamesResponse element): Lists the requested attribute names and also includes the number of LDAP entries identified in the search.
Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.

Lists the configuration detail of all LDAP containers to which the user has access permission. Access can be restricted by the Organizations to which the calling user is associated.
Request message (uses dir:listContainers element): Requests a list of LDAP containers. No parameters are required for this request.
Response message (uses dir:listContainersResponse element): Returns a list with the full details of the LDAP containers, including the LDAP sources and resource.
Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.

Saves the given LDAP container configuration. You can use this operation to create a new LDAP container or to update an existing one.
Request message (uses dir:saveContainer element): Defines the primary LDAP source for the container, and optionally any secondary LDAP source. Optionally also identifies the organizations to which access is restricted.
Response message (uses directoryservice:saveContainerResponse element):Returns the unique ID of the newly-created or updated LDAP container.
Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.

Lists the candidate resources (including existing resources) from the identified LDAP container. The entries in the response are suitable to be passed to the createResource operation in OrgResourceService.
Request message (uses dir:listCandidateResources element):Identifies the LDAP container that is to be listed, and what entries should be included.
Response message (uses dir:listCandidateResourcesResponse element):Returns a list of candidate resources from the requested container.
Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.

Gets additional information about one candidate listed by the listCandidateResources operation.
Request message (uses dir:getCandidateDetail element):Identifies the candidate.
Response message (uses dir:getCandidateDetailResponse element):If the candidate is one for which a resource already exists, the GUID and the name of that existing resource are given in the response. If not, the name that will be assigned (by default) to the resource created from this candidate entry is given.
Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.

Deletes the configuration of the identified LDAP container.
Request message (uses dir:deleteContainer element):Requests deletion of the identified LDAP container.
Response message (uses dir:deleteContainerResponse element):Returns true or false.
Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.
used by 
binding DirectoryService_EP
<wsdl:portType name="DirectoryService">
  <wsdl:documentation>Get information about LDAP containers and manage LDAP entries.</wsdl:documentation>
  <wsdl:operation name="listLdapConnections">
    <wsdl:documentation>Lists details of all the LDAP connection shared resources available to Directory Engine.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:input name="listLdapConnectionsRequest" message="impl:listLdapConnectionsRequest">
      <wsdl:documentation>Request message (uses dir:listLdapConnections element): Requests a list of all available LDAP connections.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:output name="listLdapConnectionsResponse" message="impl:listLdapConnectionsResponse">
      <wsdl:documentation>Response message (uses dir:listLdapConnectionsResponse element): Returns a list of all available LDAP connections and their URLs.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:fault name="DirectoryEngineFault" message="impl:directoryEngineFault"/>
    <wsdl:fault name="SecurityFault" message="impl:securityFault">
      <wsdl:documentation>Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.</wsdl:documentation>
  <wsdl:operation name="getLdapEntry">
    <wsdl:documentation>Gets details of a specified LDAP entry.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:input name="getLdapEntryRequest" message="impl:getLdapEntryRequest">
      <wsdl:documentation>Request message (uses dir:getLdapEntry element): Identifies an LDAP entry and requests details.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:output name="getLdapEntryResponse" message="impl:getLdapEntryResponse">
      <wsdl:documentation>Response message (uses dir:getLdapEntryResponse element): Gives details of the specified LDAP entry.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:fault name="DirectoryEngineFault" message="impl:directoryEngineFault"/>
    <wsdl:fault name="SecurityFault" message="impl:securityFault">
      <wsdl:documentation>Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.</wsdl:documentation>
  <wsdl:operation name="executeLdapQuery">
    <wsdl:documentation>Enters an LDAP query and returns the Distinguished Names (DNs) of all those entries that match the query. The query traverses all sub-tree nodes starting from the node identified by the base-dn attribute.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:input name="executeLdapQueryRequest" message="impl:executeLdapQueryRequest">
      <wsdl:documentation>Request message (uses dir:executeLdapQuery element): Identifies an LDAP connection shared resource and specifies the query to be resolved against that resource.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:output name="executeLdapQueryResponse" message="impl:executeLdapQueryResponse">
      <wsdl:documentation>Response message (uses dir:executeLdapQueryResponse element): Lists the DNs of all LDAP entries that match the given LDAP query.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:fault name="DirectoryEngineFault" message="impl:directoryEngineFault"/>
    <wsdl:fault name="SecurityFault" message="impl:securityFault">
      <wsdl:documentation>Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.</wsdl:documentation>
  <wsdl:operation name="listAttributeNames">
    <wsdl:documentation>Lists the names of those attributes that are available from the LDAP entries associated with the named LDAP connection</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:input name="listAttributeNamesRequest" message="impl:listAttributeNamesRequest">
      <wsdl:documentation>Request message (uses dir:listAttributeNames element): Identifies an LDAP connection by its alias to be searched for LDAP entries. The search can be further limited by specifying a base-dn, an LDAP query as a filter, and a sample size.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:output name="listAttributeNamesResponse" message="impl:listAttributeNamesResponse">
      <wsdl:documentation>Response message (uses dir:listAttributeNamesResponse element): Lists the requested attribute names and also includes the number of LDAP entries identified in the search.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:fault name="DirectoryEngineFault" message="impl:directoryEngineFault"/>
    <wsdl:fault name="SecurityFault" message="impl:securityFault">
      <wsdl:documentation>Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.</wsdl:documentation>
  <wsdl:operation name="listContainers">
    <wsdl:documentation>Lists the configuration detail of all LDAP containers to which the user has access permission. Access can be restricted by the Organizations to which the calling user is associated.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:input name="listContainersRequest" message="impl:listContainersRequest">
      <wsdl:documentation>Request message (uses dir:listContainers element): Requests a list of LDAP containers. No parameters are required for this request. </wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:output name="listContainersResponse" message="impl:listContainersResponse">
      <wsdl:documentation>Response message (uses dir:listContainersResponse element): Returns a list with the full details of the LDAP containers, including the LDAP sources and resource.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:fault name="DirectoryEngineFault" message="impl:directoryEngineFault"/>
    <wsdl:fault name="SecurityFault" message="impl:securityFault">
      <wsdl:documentation>Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.</wsdl:documentation>
  <wsdl:operation name="saveContainer">
    <wsdl:documentation>Saves the given LDAP container configuration. You can use this operation to create a new LDAP container or to update an existing one.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:input name="saveContainerRequest" message="impl:saveContainerRequest">
      <wsdl:documentation>Request message (uses dir:saveContainer element): Defines the primary LDAP source for the container, and optionally any secondary LDAP source. Optionally also identifies the organizations to which access is restricted.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:output name="saveContainerResponse" message="impl:saveContainerResponse">
      <wsdl:documentation>Response message (uses directoryservice:saveContainerResponse element):Returns the unique ID of the newly-created or updated LDAP container.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:fault name="DirectoryEngineFault" message="impl:directoryEngineFault"/>
    <wsdl:fault name="SecurityFault" message="impl:securityFault">
      <wsdl:documentation>Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.</wsdl:documentation>
  <wsdl:operation name="listCandidateResources">
    <wsdl:documentation>Lists the candidate resources (including existing resources) from the identified LDAP container. The entries in the response are suitable to be passed to the createResource operation in OrgResourceService.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:input name="listCandidateResourcesRequest" message="impl:listCandidateResourcesRequest">
      <wsdl:documentation>Request message (uses dir:listCandidateResources element):Identifies the LDAP container that is to be listed, and what entries should be included.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:output name="listCandidateResourcesResponse" message="impl:listCandidateResourcesResponse">
      <wsdl:documentation>Response message (uses dir:listCandidateResourcesResponse element):Returns a list of candidate resources from the requested container.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:fault name="DirectoryEngineFault" message="impl:directoryEngineFault"/>
    <wsdl:fault name="SecurityFault" message="impl:securityFault">
      <wsdl:documentation>Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.</wsdl:documentation>
  <wsdl:operation name="getCandidateDetail">
    <wsdl:documentation>Gets additional information about one candidate listed by the listCandidateResources operation.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:input name="getCandidateDetailRequest" message="impl:getCandidateDetailRequest">
      <wsdl:documentation>Request message (uses dir:getCandidateDetail element):Identifies the candidate.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:output name="getCandidateDetailResponse" message="impl:getCandidateDetailResponse">
      <wsdl:documentation>Response message (uses dir:getCandidateDetailResponse element):If the candidate is one for which a resource already exists, the GUID and the name of that existing resource are given in the response. If not, the name that will be assigned (by default) to the resource created from this candidate entry is given.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:fault name="DirectoryEngineFault" message="impl:directoryEngineFault"/>
    <wsdl:fault name="SecurityFault" message="impl:securityFault">
      <wsdl:documentation>Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.</wsdl:documentation>
  <wsdl:operation name="deleteContainer">
    <wsdl:documentation>Deletes the configuration of the identified LDAP container.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:input name="deleteContainerRequest" message="impl:deleteContainerRequest">
      <wsdl:documentation>Request message (uses dir:deleteContainer element):Requests deletion of the identified LDAP container.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:output name="deleteContainerResponse" message="impl:deleteContainerResponse">
      <wsdl:documentation>Response message (uses dir:deleteContainerResponse element):Returns true or false.</wsdl:documentation>
    <wsdl:fault name="DirectoryEngineFault" message="impl:directoryEngineFault"/>
    <wsdl:fault name="SecurityFault" message="impl:securityFault">
      <wsdl:documentation>Error message (uses ex:SecurityFault): The request failed due to authentication or authorization failure.</wsdl:documentation>

WSDL documentation generated by XMLSpy WSDL Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy