complexType CommentAuditEntry
diagram ec_wsdl_diagrams/ec_wsdl_p142.png
type extension of CommonAuditEntry
base CommonAuditEntry
children id creationTime componentId messageId severity message priority correlationId contextId parentContextId messageCategory principalId principalName managedObjectId managedObjectName managedObjectType managedObjectVersion managedObjectStatus parentObjectId applicationActivityName applicationActivityInstanceId applicationActivityModelId applicationName priorStepId iteration iterationId hostTaskName hostTaskType entityId entityType managedObjectUrl managedObjectDetails modelMajorVersion modelVersion resourceId subprocessInstanceId subprocessName subprocessVersion moduleName processPriority extendedMessage caseReferences additionalAttributes instigatedCaseEvents genericAttributes children
used by
elements CommentAudit/comment CommentAuditEntry
A specific comment within a Comment Audit.  This contains information on the comment itself, such as the comment message (stored in extendedMessage).  It also has a reference to CommentAudit for any child comments it has (where a comment has been posted as a reply to another comment).
source <xs:complexType name="CommentAuditEntry">
<xs:documentation>A specific comment within a Comment Audit.  This contains information on the comment itself, such as the comment message (stored in extendedMessage).  It also has a reference to CommentAudit for any child comments it has (where a comment has been posted as a reply to another comment).</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="CommonAuditEntry">
<xs:element name="children" type="CommentAudit" minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1"/>

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