element listProcessTemplateAttributesInput
diagram pm_wsdl_diagrams/pm_wsdl_p82.png
namespace http://www.tibco.com/bx/2009/management/processManagerType
content complex
children pm:attributeType
Request element for listProcessTemplateAttributes operation.

Process template attributes, which are pre-defined variables and are the same for all process templates, can be used in process template queries - see the queryProcessTemplates operation.
source <xsd:element name="listProcessTemplateAttributesInput">
<xsd:documentation>Request element for listProcessTemplateAttributes operation.

Process template attributes, which are pre-defined variables and are the same for all process templates, can be used in process template queries - see the queryProcessTemplates operation.
<xsd:element name="attributeType" type="pm:AttributeType">
<xsd:documentation>(Optional) Enumerated value which, if specified, filters the result set to include only those attributes which belong to the specified type (FILTERABLE, SORTABLE or DISPLAYABLE).</xsd:documentation>

WSDL documentation generated by XMLSpy WSDL Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy