element queryString
diagram pm_wsdl_diagrams/pm_wsdl_p110.png
namespace http://www.tibco.com/bx/2009/management/processManagerType
type xsd:string
content simple
Request element for queryProcessInstanceCount and queryProcessTemplateCount operations, which require a query string (in SQL syntax) as their input.

The query can be either a full SQL query string, or just the WHERE clause. If a full query string is used, the "FROM process" clause should be included.

(The underlying code knows whether to count process templates or process instances, depending on the calling operation.)
source <xsd:element name="queryString" type="xsd:string">
<xsd:documentation>Request element for queryProcessInstanceCount and queryProcessTemplateCount operations, which require a query string (in SQL syntax) as their input.

The query can be either a full SQL query string, or just the WHERE clause. If a full query string is used, the "FROM process" clause should be included.

(The underlying code knows whether to count process templates or process instances, depending on the calling operation.)

WSDL documentation generated by XMLSpy WSDL Editor http://www.altova.com/xmlspy