element DataOutOfSyncFault
diagram wp_diagrams/wp_p191.png
namespace http://exception.api.wp.n2.tibco.com
type extension of DetailedException
content complex
children error managedObjectId dataModel ignoreIncomingData
source <xs:element name="DataOutOfSyncFault">
<xs:extension base="comex:DetailedException">
<xs:element name="managedObjectId" type="brmapi:ManagedObjectID">
<xs:documentation>This is the ID of the new Work Item that was generated as the result of the reschedule.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="dataModel" type="dModel:DataModel" minOccurs="0">
<xs:documentation>If specified this will be a complete set of all the Work Item data. This will allow a client to decide if user data has been overwritten, and possibly allow a merge of changed data and client local data.</xs:documentation>
<xs:element name="ignoreIncomingData" type="xs:boolean"/>

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