Running TIBCO Configuration Tool in Console Mode

To configure ActiveMatrix BPM runtime objects from the command line, run TIBCO Configuration Tool in console mode.


  1. Open a command window in the TIBCO_HOME\bpm\n.n\bin folder and run the following command:

    tct console

  2. At the TIBCO Configuration Folder prompt, specify the CONFIG_HOME to be used by this BPM system.

    CONFIG_HOME is the folder in which configuration data generated by the BPM system -- scripts, session data, configured binaries, logs, and so on -- is stored. The value of CONFIG_HOME depends on the operating system. For example, on Windows systems, the default value is:


    The wizard selection menu is displayed, listing the available wizards (see TIBCO Configuration Tool Wizards Available on a Primary Machine and TIBCO Configuration Tool Wizards Available on a Remote Machine). For example, on a primary machine:

    Choose one option from the list below.

    [X] 1 - Create Express Developer Environment - V3.4
    [ ] 2 - Create TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator Server - V3.4
    [ ] 3 - Delete TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Instance - V4.3
    [ ] 4 - Create TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Server - V4.3
    [ ] 5 - Configure TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Server Node Type - V4.3
    [ ] 6 - Upgrade TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Instance - V4.3
    [ ] 7 - Edit TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Instance - V4.3
    [ ] 8 - Create TIBCO Host Instance - V3.4
    [ ] 9 - Configure Third-Party Driver
    [ ] 10 - Edit TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator Server Configuration - V3.4
    [ ] 11 - Replicate TIBCO ActiveMatrix Administrator Server - V3.4
    [ ] 12 - Upgrade or Downgrade TIBCO ActiveMatrix - V3.4
    [ ] 13 - Update JRE used by TIBCO ActiveMatrix - V3.4

    To select an item enter its number, or enter 'q' to quit: [1]

  3. Enter the number for the wizard that you want to run. The menu corresponding to the first screen of the selected wizard is displayed. For example, if you chose option 5 - Configure TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Server Node Type, the menu that corresponds to the Welcome screen of this wizard is displayed:

    TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Server Node Type Creation Wizard
    Welcome to the ActiveMatrix BPM Server Node Type configuration wizard

    This wizard will help you Create new ActiveMatrix BPM Server Node Type on this machine.
    Refer to TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM installation guide for details.

    [1] Configure to Secure All Communication with SSL: [no]

    Choose 'N' for Next Page, 'S' for Save, 'F' for Finish, 'L' for Load File, 'C' for Cancel, or enter field number [1]

  4. Complete the wizard to perform the appropriate configuration task:
    • Follow the instructions provided for your specific installation or upgrade scenario. See I - INSTALLATION AND UPGRADE SCENARIOS.
    • For full details of the screens and fields available in each wizard, see III - TIBCO CONFIGURATION TOOL WIZARD REFERENCE.
    • Use the following commands (which are case-insensitive) to navigate through and control the actions of the wizard.
      Command Description
      n Enter an item’s number to select it.
      ENTER Select the default option for the current page. The number of the default item for each page is shown at the end of the prompt - for example [1].
      L Load a set of configuration data saved from an earlier session of this wizard.
      S Save the current configuration data (to the location specified in the Session Scripts and Log Folder field of the Summary menu.)
      N Go to the next page of the wizard.
      P Go to the previous page of the wizard.
      F Skip the remaining pages of the wizard and go directly to the Summary menu, from which you can execute the appropriate configuration actions using the specified configuration data. (Default values will be used for all fields on skipped pages.)
      Note: This command is only available if subsequent pages do not contain any empty fields that you must complete.
      G Entering G performs the following:
      • Executes the configuration action(s) selected on the Summary menu.
      • Reports and logs the progress of the configuration actions as it executes them.
      • Saves the configuration data.
      • Returns to the wizard selection menu.

        Logs and scripts are saved to the location specified in the Session Scripts and Log Folder field of the Summary menu.

      Note: This command is only available on the Summary menu.
      C Discard your changes, exit the wizard without performing any configuration actions and return to the wizard selection menu.
      Q Exit TIBCO Configuration Tool.
      Note: This command is only available on the wizard selection menu.