Properties Files Reference

All properties files are fully annotated. Refer to the annotations for further information about the properties.

For links to the properties files, see BPM Properties Files.

The table describes two common properties that are listed in most or all of the properties files.

Common Properties
Property Name Default Value Description
false Optional.

Specifies that the framework should monitor the appropriate properties file for changes.

If this property is set to false, no subsequent property changes in the same file can be applied, because the file is not being monitored. This includes setting monitor.enable back to true. For any such change to take effect, you must restart the node.

5 seconds Optional.

The frequency (in milliseconds) at which the framework should check the appropriate properties file for modifications.

Note: If you comment out a property in a properties file, ActiveMatrix BPM uses a default value for the property when it is next restarted. This means that, for example, if you set a property to true but later comment out the property, the property's value is still true when ActiveMatrix BPM is restarted if the default value is true. So, commenting out a property does not necessarily change its value when ActiveMatrix BPM is restarted.