
This operation returns both count and time measures for the process instances of the specified process templates, and the work items generated by the instances of the specified process templates.

Each count/time measure is returned inside of an <entry element, inside of the <period element that represents the granularity period (see Granularity).

The following example shows that 15 instances of CSCallbackProcess were started during the first granularity period (index=0). Plus, the instances of CSCallbackProcess were active for a total of 2884367898 milliseconds during that same period.

<measure xmlns="">
   <id xmlns:api="" xmlns:soapenv="">
   <index > 0</index

The counts and times returned by the requestProcessDurationMeasure operation are defined in the following table:

Type Description
PROCESS_TOTAL Total number of instances of the process template started during the specified granularity period (note that this is a delta—it is only the number that were started during the period).
PROCESS_TOTAL_TIME Total time (in milliseconds) that instances of the process template were active during the specified granularity period.
PROCESS_AVERAGE_TIME Average time (in milliseconds) that instances of the process template were active during the specified granularity period.
WORKITEM_TOTAL Total number of work items generated by the instances of the process template during the specified granularity period (note that this is a delta—it is not the number that existed, but rather the number that were generated during the period).
WORKITEM_ACTIVE_TOTAL_TIME Total time (in milliseconds) that a work item generated by the process template was active during the specified granularity period. A work item is defined as being active between the time it first entered the OFFERED state, and the time it entered the COMPLETED state, disregarding any intermediate states.
WORKITEM_ACTIVE_AVERAGE_TIME Average time (in milliseconds) that work items generated by the process template were active during the specified granularity period. A work item is defined as being active between the time it first entered the OFFERED state, and the time it entered the COMPLETED state, disregarding any intermediate states.
WORKITEM_WAIT_TOTAL_TIME Total time (in milliseconds) that work items generated by the process template were waiting during the specified granularity period. A work item is defined as waiting between the time it first entered the OFFERED state, and the time it first entered the OPENED state.
WORKITEM_WAIT_AVERAGE_TIME Average time (in milliseconds) that a work item generated by the process template was waiting during the specified granularity period. A work item is defined as waiting between the time it first entered the OFFERED state, and the time it first entered the OPENED state.
WORKITEM_ACTION_TOTAL_TIME Total time (in milliseconds) that work items generated by the process template were being actioned during the specified granularity period. A work item is defined as being actioned between the time it first entered the OPENED state, and the time it entered the COMPLETED state (that is, when the user submitted the form).
WORKITEM_ACTION_AVERAGE_TIME Average time (in milliseconds) that a work item generated by the process template during the specified granularity period. A work item is defined as being actioned between the time it first entered the OPENED state, and the time it entered the COMPLETED state (that is, when the user submitted the form).
WORKITEM_WORKINGTIME_TOTAL_TIME Total time (in milliseconds) that users spent processing work items generated by the process template during the specified granularity period. A work item is defined as being worked on between the accumulated time between when it entered the OPENED state, and the time it entered a PENDED, SUSPENDED, CANCELLED, or COMPLETED state.
WORKITEM_WORKINGTIME_AVERAGE_TIME Average time (in milliseconds) that a work item generated by the process template was worked on by users during the specified granularity period. A work item is defined as being worked on between the accumulated time when it entered the OPENED state, and the time when it entered a PENDED, SUSPENDED, CANCELLED or COMPLETED state.

For additional information, see requestProcessDurationMeasure.