Service Execution Stats

The statistics-fetching method of ActiveMatrix Service Microagent returns different statistics for the service executed.

Column Name Type Description
Start Time String The start time of the collection period ISO-8601 format.
End Time String The end time of the collection period ISO-8601 format.
Total Time Long Collection period in milliseconds.
Hits Double Number of execution responses for last period.
Faults Double Number of execution faults for last period.
Pending Responses Double Difference between count of requests and responses at end of the window.
Avg. Response Time Double Average response time for collection period, in milliseconds.
Min Response Time Double Minimum response time over collection period, in milliseconds.
Max Response Time Double Maximum response time over collection period, in milliseconds.
Hits Per Minute Double Average number of executions per minute over collection period.
Faults Per Minute Double Average number of faults per minute over collection period.
Fault Percent Double Ratio of faults to total hits between 0.0 and 100.0

Standard Deviation

Double Standard Deviation in response time over collection period.