JVMInfo (ActiveMatrix BPM JVMInfo Utility) is a command-line tool that you can use to view the current status of a JVM process, for example memory, threads, or classes. You can use it to get a summary, or to monitor the process continuously.


JVMInfo uses the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) used by ActiveMatrix BPM. However, this JRE no longer ships with the libattach shared library (for example libattach.so on Linux). So, you must locate libattach in a separate JDK's JRE and add this location to the shared library path. For example, on Linux, LD_LIBRARY_PATH can be altered in the shell to include the location of the library:

export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/java/jdk1.8.0/jre/lib/amd64

Similar changes to the library path can be made on other platforms if required.

Running JVMInfo

On Windows, the path of JVMInfo is:


On UNIX, the path of JVMInfo is:



jvminfo [-v] [-b] <process_ID> [<interval> [<count>]]

jvminfo -t <process_ID>

jvminfo -l

jvminfo -m <process_ID>

The options and variables have the following meanings:

-v Verbose output.
-t Dump thread information.
-l List the JVMs running.
-b When in Verbose mode, output the memory values in bytes. This gives a more precise figure than when -b is omitted.
-m Return additional Process Engine information gathered from the BPM node.
<process_ID> Process ID of the JVM.
<interval> Sampling interval (in seconds).
<count> Number of samples to take before terminating.

Example of Non-verbose Output

In non-verbose mode (-v is not used), memory values are displayed in bytes:

C:\...\bin>jvminfo.bat 4068 1 4
Running JVMs are: [7084, 4856, 4068, 5920]
2013/06/04 09:53:35,4068,Windows 7,6.1,amd64,Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM,Sun Microsystems Inc.,20.5-b03,558956544,279721064,1037959168,233111552,230496032,318767104,72,72,65,545,24250,26148,1898
2013/06/04 09:53:36,4068,Windows 7,6.1,amd64,Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM,Sun Microsystems Inc.,20.5-b03,558956544,282121792,1037959168,233111552,230512120,318767104,78,78,71,551,24250,26148,1898
2013/06/04 09:53:37,4068,Windows 7,6.1,amd64,Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM,Sun Microsystems Inc.,20.5-b03,558956544,284522520,1037959168,233111552,230512280,318767104,84,84,77,557,24250,26148,1898

Example of Verbose Output

In verbose mode (-v is used), memory values are displayed in bytes, kilobytes, megabytes, or gigabytes, as appropriate:

C:\...\bin>jvminfo.bat -v 4068
Running JVMs are: [5676, 4856, 4068, 5920]
JVM PID = 4068
Local connector address = service:jmx:rmi://
2013/06/04 09:51:43
   name = Windows 7
   version = 6.1
   arch = amd64
   name = Java HotSpot(TM) 64-Bit Server VM
   vendor = Sun Microsystems Inc.
   version = 20.5-b03
   committed = 1.2 GB (23.13%)
   used = 807.2 MB (15.55%)
   max = 5.1 GB
   committed = 27.8 MB (73.13%)
   used = 27.4 MB (72.30%)
   max = 38 MB
   current = 36
   peak = 36
   daemon = 29
   total = 509
   loaded = 24241
   total = 26139
   unloaded = 1898
Memory Pool (Code Cache):
   used = 65.9 KB (1.07%)
   max = 6 MB

Example of Verbose Output with Memory Values in Bytes

In verbose mode with memory values in bytes (-v -b is used), all memory values are displayed in bytes:

C:\...\bin>jvminfo.bat -v -b 4068
Running JVMs are: [5676, 4856, 4068, 5920]
   committed = 1,258,971,136 B (23.13%)
   used = 952,866,680 B (17.51%)
   max = 5,442,174,976 B
   committed = 233111552 B (73.13%)
   used = 230461848 B (72.30%)
   max = 318767104 B

Example of Additional Process Engine Information Gathered from the BPM node

Return additional process engine information gathered from the BPM node using the -m <process_ID> option.

C:\...\bin\jvminfo -m 8856
  Date/Time:      2018/02/09 12:40:28 
  Engine pid:     8856                
  Engine name:    aad666b6-9c0c-4611-8907-a181613349b2
  Engine status:  RUNNING             
  Up time:        29 minutes, 51 seconds
  Is Leader:      true                
  PVM Thread Info:
     2535,PVM:DB Process Worker-1,1383,/SampleProcess1/Process Packages/
     2536,PVM:DB Process Worker-2,1378,/SampleProcess1/Process Packages/
     2537,PVM:DB Process Worker-3,1384,/SampleProcess1/Process Packages/
       SampleProcess1.xpdl,Root Task,pvm:001ila,114,682,3,2,MODEL
     2538,PVM:DB Process Worker-4,1380,/SampleProcess1/Process Packages/
     2539,PVM:DB Process Worker-5,1382,/SampleProcess1/Process Packages/