Intermediate Events

The intermediate events for a process interface can be of type None or Message.

  • None Use this type of intermediate event for manual event triggering (Intermediate events of type None are not supported for ActiveMatrix BPM).
  • Message  Use this type of intermediate event for triggering using a message based interface (for example, a web service operation).

An intermediate event can be associated with input or input/output formal parameters that should be present when triggering the event, as well as with errors that will be translated into catch error end events in implementing processes.

Note: Output formal parameters cannot be associated with catch message intermediate events.

Event Persistence

Because a process interface does not specify the intended location of the event within the flow of the process implementation, events are considered "persistent".

As such, they can be triggered at any point in the process flow that is upstream of the event, or when the flow is paused waiting for the event to be triggered. For example:

The trigger for the intermediate event can be received while Task A or B is being processed, or when the flow is paused at the intermediate event waiting for the event to be triggered. In either case, Task C is not processed without an event trigger. If the trigger is received during processing of Task A or B, the trigger arrival is persisted, and the event is triggered immediately when it is reached in the flow.