Scenario C: Runtime Nodes Managed by connected AMX Host

Auto-detect runtime nodes managed by the connected AMX Host (TibcoHost), and provide or generate rulebases for each node that restart the node when abnormally shutdown. Restart is only attempted when the connected EMS server is running.

Rulebase Name:


Microagents Used:

  • com.tibco.hawk.amx.AMXHost
  • COM.TIBCO.hawk.microagent.RuleBaseEngine

Use AMXHost.getNodeInfo to determine the names of all nodes (every 30 seconds).

If Node Name != 'SystemNode'then execute the ANT project : 'scripts/antrunner generate-noderb.xml' with argument Node Name. After it, then execute the method RuleBaseEngine.loadRuleBaseFromFile(${Node Name}RB-${}.hrb).

Note: The ANT project generate-noderb.xml will generate a rulebase file in the Hawk autoconfig folder called '${Node Name}RB-${}.hrb.

This rulebase is based on a template that has the following behavior.

Rulebase Template Name:


Microagents Used:

  • com.tibco.hawk.amx.AMXHost
  • com.tibco.hawk.tibjms.HawkListener
  • COM.TIBCO.hawk.hma.Process


  1. Use AMXHost.onNodeEvent to determine runtime state of the AMXNode.

    if Runtime State = 'LOST_CONTACT' or Runtime State='NOT_RUNNING'

    then post th_lost_contact_node condition and send High Alert: "Lost Contact with ${Node Name}".

  2. Use HawkListener<tibcohost.ems.url>.isRunning() to determine the state of the EMS server connected to tibcohost.

    if running is True

    then post ems.server.<tibcohost.ems.url>.isrunning condition.

  3. Use Process.getInstanceCount(ProcessName=${Node Name}) to determine whether there is a running OS process for the AMXNode.


if Process Count < 1 AND the following posted conditions exist:

ems.server.<tibcohost.ems.url>.isrunning AND th_lost_contact_node

then execute AMXHost.startNode('${Node Name}').