Process Properties

Process Property Reference
Tab Property Description
General Label Label associated with the process. You can change the label if necessary.
  Process Interface Lists the location and name of the process interface implemented by the selected process. Specifying a process interface allows the dynamic selection of sub-processes at runtime. For more information, see Process Interfaces .
  Inline Sub-Process: Select the Inline sub-process during Process Package Optimization checkbox so that at runtime, the objects such as activities and events contained in the call sub-process are brought into the top-level process and executed there, rather than by making a call to the sub-process.
  References Lists any processes or tasks that use the selected process, and the contexts in which the data is used. For example, if you select a call sub-process, the process and task that use the call sub-process are displayed. Click Go To to display the referencing object. This field helps prevent deleting a process that is used in another. Note, however that a process may be used by other packages, and these references cannot be displayed in this field.
Description   Optional textual description of the activity.
  Documentation URL The Documentation URL controls allow you to launch a web browser for the given URL (you can use the actual Documentation URL:label or the browser button).

The browser is opened either in TIBCO Business Studio (in the editor pane) or in an external browser according to the user defined settings (Preferences > General > General).

Destinations   Enter the target environment for the process. When you save the process, validation is performed according to this setting:
  • All processes are validated for BPMN - additionally, other destinations can be selected to validate processes for use in specific environments
  • If you select BPM, the Process will be validated against TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM 3.x.
  • If you select Simulation, processes created under this project will be validated for simulation in TIBCO Business Studio as well as for BPMN correctness.
  • If you do not select a destination environment, basic BPMN validation will be performed.
Work Resource Resources... You can specify the Initial Priority, which indicates the relative urgency with which the item should be completed. You can edit this from the Default setting, to be one of the values below, with Higher (400) being the one which would be processed first.
  • Higher (400)
  • High (300)
  • Default
  • Normal (200)
  • Low (100)
  Separation Of Duties

(Manual and user tasks)

Allows you to specify that certain manual or user tasks must be executed by different resources at runtime. For more information, see Specifying Separation of Duties.
  Retain Familiar (Manual and user tasks) Tasks within a Retain Familiar task group will, by preference, be offered to the same user.
  Calendar Reference Allows you to choose a calendar reference alias (content assist will show references which already exist), or pick a Runtime Identifier field that will provide the Calendar Reference alias at runtime.
Participants   Provides the Label, Name, Type, and External Reference for all participants used in the process.
Parameters   Provides information about all parameters defined in the process.
Data Fields   Provides information about all data fields defined in the process.
Appearance Connection Routing The connection routing style is used to change the appearance of entry and exit connections on activities such as events and gateways.

The connection routing style can be one of the following:

  • MultiEntry/Exit Point(default). This means that connection points are to/from the same activity side, and are automatically spaced out from the centre of that side.
  • Single Entry/Exit Point.This means that all extry and exit points are amalgamated into one entry point and one exit point on each side of an activity.
  • Uncentered On Tasks. This means that entry and exit points on task activities are automatically positioned towards the corners when the source/target object is not in-line. This is the equivalent default from earlier versions of TIBCO Business Studio.

With all the above styles, it is still possible to manually set a specific entry / exit point by dragging the end of a connection to the required position on an activity's border (rather than the center of the object).

Extended   Extended attributes can be used to add extra information to the schema. Click Add to add a new extended attribute.

Modify the following:

  • Name - provide a name for the attribute (you cannot include spaces in the name).
  • Value- add any text for the value.
  • Escape Body- Select this checkbox if you want the parser to interpret the contents of the body attribute as text rather than XML (you do not want the parser to interpret symbols such as < or >). If you are entering XML, do not select this checkbox so the parser can validate the body attribute.
  • Body- enter whatever text or XML you want to make up the body of attribute.
Resource BPM Fault Configuration

System Error Action

BPM only:

This configures how an instance of this process behaves at runtime if an executing activity encounters an unexpected error condition:

  • (server defined default)- use system wide default behavior (see "Configuring Error Handling Behavior for Process Instances" in the TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Administrator’s Guidefor how to define this).
  • Halt- process instance halts. You can then use Openspace, Workspace or the BPM API to investigate/fix the problem.
  • Error- process instance fails immediately and cannot be resumed.
  BPMN Extensions Allows you to enter duration values for the process as per BPMN. How these durations are used is dependent on how they are implemented in a particular destination environment.
  BPM Validation Configuration... This is used to suppress problem markers for the ’No migration point activities in the process’ Problem. It gives you the choice of validation, suppressing the error until the next process flow change, or suppressing the error until a manual reactivation via Resource properties.