Tips for Successful Undeployment

This section lists the points that are best practice for undeploying applications.

  • Do not attempt to undeploy applications with outstanding process instances or work items. If an attempt to undeploy an application stops at ’Preparing to Undeploy’, you should find and cancel any outstanding process instances or work items for that application.

    If you cancel a process instance that still has an open work item (for example the work item’s status is OPENED), then the work item becomes hidden, and the application will not undeploy. You can check there are no hidden work items:

    • In Workspace, by selecting either Only show hidden work items or Show visible and hidden work items from the View menu on the work item list.
    • In Openspace, by selecting Visible Equal FALSE from the Configure Filter dialog.

      You need to be sure that you are logged in as a user who has the correct privileges to see work items for this process.

  • If an attempt to undeploy an application does not remove all its components, you can use the cleanup utilities available from TIBCO Support. See Cleaning Up Undeployed Applications.
Important: Do not perform the Undeploy nor Force Undeploy operation on the BPM product application, which is named "" by default. Performing either of those operations on the BPM product application can cause the system to become unstable and/or unrecoverable, possibly requiring a re-creation of the environment.