Setting a Common Context Root for Web Service Endpoint URIs

You can define a common context root that will be used as a prefix to the URI generated for any system participant. The URI is displayed in the Endpoint URI Path field for a SOAP over HTTP binding - see SOAP over HTTP Binding Details (Provider).

You can define a common context root for the entire workspace and/or on a per-project basis. By default, no common context root is defined.

Note: If a common context root is not used, each application will, when deployed, run as a separate web application, increasing the application’s usage of system resource and memory. On small systems, with few applications deployed, this is unlikely to be an issue. However, on larger systems, if significant numbers of applications are deployed, this could potentially impact system performance.

Whether or not to use a common context root, and what that root should be, should therefore be an architectural decision based on how application services are to be grouped and presented within the overall SOA environment.

You can define a context root on a workspace and/or on a per-project basis. If you set:

  • a workspace-level context root, it will be automatically applied to the endpoint URI whenever a system participant is generated in the workspace.
  • a project-level context root, it will be automatically applied to the endpoint URI whenever a system participant is generated in the project. (A project-level context root overrides any workspace-level root that exists.)

To set a workspace-level context root:

  • Click Window > Preferences. The Preferences dialog is displayed.
  • Click User Profile.
  • In the Endpoint URI field, enter the string that you want to use as the context root - for example, EasyAs or /EasyAs/BPM.

To set a project-level context root:

  • Right-click the project in Project Explorer, then choose Properties. The Properties dialog is displayed.
  • Click User Profile.
  • Click Enable project specific settings.
  • In the Endpoint URI field, enter the string that you want to use as the context root - for example, EasyAs or /EasyAs/BPM.
Note: Once a context root has been defined for a project (either directly or at Workspace level), any existing system participant in that project whose URI does not begin with that context root displays the following warning on the Problems tab:

Process Manager 1.x : System participant shared resource endpoint uri does not start with the same prefix as configured in the preference page

You can either ignore this warning or manually edit the system participant’s Endpoint Uri Path field to include the context root.