Command line DAA Generation on HP-UX

When you deploy a project, the import-and-deploy target script fails on HP-UX (command line DAA generation fails in headless mode with 'java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/eclipse/ui/plugin/AbstractUIPlugin). This section describes the requirements to run TIBCO Business Studio on HP-UX.

  • GTK+ (and corresponding GCC library) needs to be installed. According to eclipse FAQ: GTK+ 2.4.1 (or newer) and its dependencies are required. (See:

    Please see the following link for detail instruction how to install GTK+ on HP-UX:

  • GTK+ (and corresponding GCC library) needs to be added to the LD_LIBRARY_PATH (if they are not on the path already). You can do this by issuing a command similar to: export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/hp-gcc-4.7.0/lib:/opt/gtk2.6/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

    (Please make sure that you use the the actual paths where corresponding libraries are installed on your system.)

  • Although TIBCO Business Studio is used only for command line DAA export it requires X Window to be running and if you don't have/want graphical display you can use Virtual Frame Buffer (for example: Xvfb (xorg-x11-server-Xvfb)).
  • When running amx_eclipse_ant you need to add the following parameters: -os hpux -ws gtk -arch ia64_32
  • Add the following arguments to 'application.args' property in ${TIBCO-HOME}/studio/${STUDIO-VERSION}/eclipse/amx_eclipse_ant.tra file: -os hpux -ws gtk -arch ia64_32

    For example, the application.args property should look similar to the following: application.args=-install "C:/apps/TIBCO/studio-bpm-3.6.0/studio/3.6/eclipse" -application org.eclipse.ant.core.antRunner -os hpux -ws gtk -arch ia64_32

This will make sure that correct operating system, windowing system and architecture values are used.