Work Item Errors

If an attempt to create a work item encounters an error, the creation process is stopped before any of the operations are carried out.

BPM tries to determine the nature of the problem:

  • The problem may be a technical, operational issue such as a failure to connect to the database. Most such issues are temporary, so BPM rolls back the transaction, to be retried later. Error messages are generated to the BPM log.
  • If the problem is with the transaction itself, such as a syntax error in a script or invalid data in any of the field values supplied, repeating the attempt to create a work item will be no more successful than the initial attempt. Therefore the process is put into a Failed state, and an appropriate error message is generated to the BPM log indicating the reason for the failure: for example, BRM_WORKITEM_ASYNC_SCHEDULE_WORK_ITEM_MESSAGE_FAILED.