
TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM auditing involves the collection, correlation and central storage of selected logged events. Administrators can configure which events are forwarded to the central event database tables.

Audit data can be used for numerous purposes - for example, displaying audit trail information to users, or statistical analysis by external tools.

You can configure the level of auditing, using the event probe rules file (ec-probe-rules.xml) and event rules file (ec-event-rules.xml), in the CONFIG_HOME\bpm\bpm_app_name\configuration folder. These files define rules for selecting messages and processes that define what is done with the messages eligible under those rules, both for local logging and for auditing in the central event database tables. By editing the files you can configure what messages are to be audited. TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM is delivered with the file set up to forward all ERROR messages and a defined list of AUDIT messages to the event database tables. You can change the event probe rules file to forward all AUDIT events, or you can change the specifications of exactly which messages are forwarded.

You can also define whether any or all of the 40 available user-defined work item attributes are to be audited, either for all audited events or for particular events.

See TIBCO ActiveMatrix BPM Administration for more information.