complexType ProcessDurationMeasureEntry
diagram ec_wsdl_diagrams/ec_wsdl_p183.png
type extension of LongMeasure
base LongMeasure
children index value type
used by
elements ProcessDurationMeasurePeriod/entry ProcessDurationMeasureEntry
Measure entry for the ProcessDurationMeasure type.
source <xs:complexType name="ProcessDurationMeasureEntry">
<xs:documentation>Measure entry for the ProcessDurationMeasure type.</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="LongMeasure">
<xs:element name="type" type="AveragesMeasureType" minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1">
<xs:documentation>Enumerated value defining the type of an AverageMeasure. One of the following:

- PROCESS_TOTAL: Total number of instances of this process template started during this ProcessDurationMeasurePeriod.

- PROCESS_TOTAL_TIME: Total time that instances of this process template were active during this ProcessDurationMeasurePeriod.

- PROCESS_AVERAGE_TIME: Average time that an instance of this process template was active during this ProcessDurationMeasurePeriod.

- WORKITEM_TOTAL: Total number of work items generated by this process template that were active during this ProcessDurationMeasurePeriod.

- WORKITEM_ACTIVE_AVERAGE_TIME: Average time that a work item generated by this process template was active during this ProcessDurationMeasurePeriod. A work item is defined as being active between the time of the event when it first entered the OFFERED state and the time of the event that it entered the COMPLETED state, disregarding any intermediate states.

- WORKITEM_ACTIVE_TOTAL_TIME: Total time that work items generated by this process template were active during this ProcessDurationMeasurePeriod. A work item is defined as being active between the time of the event when it first entered the OFFERED state and the time of the event that it entered the COMPLETED state, disregarding any intermediate states.

- WORKITEM_WAIT_TOTAL_TIME: Total time that work items generated by this process template were waiting during this ProcessDurationMeasurePeriod. A work item is defined as waiting between the time of the event when it first entered the OFFERED state and the time of the event when it first entered the OPENED state.

- WORKITEM_WAIT_AVERAGE_TIME: Average time that a work item generated by this process template was waiting during this ProcessDurationMeasurePeriod. A work item is defined as waiting between the time of the event when it first entered the OFFERED state and the time of the event when it first entered the OPENED state.

- WORKITEM_ACTION_TOTAL_TIME: Total time that work items generated by this process template were being actioned during this ProcessDurationMeasurePeriod. A work item is defined as being actioned between the time of the event when it first entered the OPENED state and the time of the event that it entered the COMPLETED state - that is, when the user submitted the form.

- WORKITEM_ACTION_AVERAGE_TIME: Average time that a work item generated by this process template during this ProcessDurationMeasurePeriod. A work item is defined as being actioned between the time of the event when it first entered the OPENED state and the time of the event that it entered the COMPLETED state - that is, when the user submitted the form.

- WORKITEM_WORKINGTIME_TOTAL_TIME: Total time that users spent processing work items generated by this process template during this ProcessDurationMeasurePeriod. A work item is defined as being worked on between the accumulated time between each event when it entered the OPENED state and the time of the paired event when it entered a PENDED, SUSPENDED, CANCELLED or COMPLETED state.

- WORKITEM_WORKINGTIME_AVERAGE_TIME: Average time that a work item generated by this process template was worked on by users during this ProcessDurationMeasurePeriod. A work item is defined as being worked on between the accumulated time between each event when it entered the OPENED state and the time of the paired event when it entered a PENDED, SUSPENDED, CANCELLED or COMPLETED state.

WSDL documentation generated by XMLSpy WSDL Editor