element editWorkListView
diagram wp_diagrams/wp_p100.png
namespace http://api.brm.n2.tibco.com
type extension of WorkListViewEdit
content complex
children entityID resourcesRequired orderFilterCriteria authors users customData
Name  Type  Use  Default  Fixed  Annotation
name  derived by: xs:string  required      
The user defined name of the view.
description  derived by: xs:string        
Optional description that can be given to the work list view.
owner  derived by: xs:string        
The resourceID of the owner of this view.   If omitted the ID of the resource calling the createWorkListView API will  be used.   This resource can always edit or use this view.
public  xs:boolean        
Is this view publlic, i.e. can it be used by any AMX-BPM user.   If TRUE then it will be visible to ALL users, not just those in the "users" set.
getAllocatedItems  xs:boolean        
Optional default behaviour is false. If true then this is a request for allocated Work Items. If false then the request is for offered Work Items.
workListViewID  xs:long  required      
The unique ID of the work list view to delete.
Request element for editWorkListView operation.   If any of the opional elements are passed in they will overwrite any existing conguration for this view.
source <xs:element name="editWorkListView">
<xs:documentation>Request element for editWorkListView operation.   If any of the opional elements are passed in they will overwrite any existing conguration for this view.</xs:documentation>
<xs:extension base="WorkListViewEdit">
<xs:attribute name="workListViewID" type="xs:long" use="required">
<xs:documentation>The unique ID of the work list view to delete.</xs:documentation>

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