Types of Target Operations Group
TIBCO API Exchange Gateway supports the following types of target operation groups to provide the load balancing of requests within target operations in a group.
- LoadBalanced
when the type of target operation group is defined as LoadBalanced, the Core Engine picks up a random target operation from the list of target operations grouped into a target operation group.
See LoadBalanced for details.
- RoundRobin
when the type of target operation group is defined as RoundRobin, the load balancing of target operations within the target operation group can be classified as the following subtypes:
- RoundRobin
- RoundRobin with Failover
See RoundRobin for details.
- Weighted RoundRobin
when the type of target operation group is defined as Weighted RoundRobin, it means you can assign a weight value to each target operation in the target operation group. With Weighted RoundRobin routing type,the load balancing of target operations within the target operation group can be classified as the following subtypes:
- Weighted RoundRobin
- Weighted RoundRobin with Failover
See Weighted RoundRobin for details.
- Sticky Resource Affinity
when the type of target operation group is defined as Sticky Resource Affinity,the routing of the request can be done based on various parameters such as the IP address of the client machine, XPath, and the machine domain name.
See Sticky Resource Affinity for details.