If the target operation group type for the SG1 target operation group is defined as LoadBalanced, the Core Engine uses the LoadBalanced routing algorithm. For the LoadBalanced routing algorithm type, the Core Engine picks up a random target operation that is a part of this target operation group. The Core Engine distributes the requests evenly over a large number of requests.
When the Core Engine routes the client requests (Request 1-n) to SG1 target operation group with the LoadBalanced target operation group type, the target operation is selected as follows to process the client requests:
- The first facade request Request 1 is forwarded to the target operation B.
- The second facade request Request 2 is forwarded to the target operation C.
- The third facade request Request 3 is forwarded to the target operation A.
- The fourth request Request 4 is forwarded to the target operation A.
- The subsequent facade requests are forwarded to the target operations at random.
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