Config UI

TIBCO API Exchange Gateway provides the graphical user interface (GUI). Using the Config UI, you can add a new gateway configuration for partners, facade operations, target operations, routing, throttles, mapping, schemas, and other configuration data required for various functions of TIBCO API Exchange Gateway.

Using the Config UI, you can manage the entire configuration for a gateway project. A gateway project configuration contains all the information related to the partners, partner groups, facade operations, target operations, mappings, schemas, throttles, and routing which is required by the Core Engine at run time.

The details of the configuration data are saved in the files which are located in the following configuration folder:


For example, the configuration data for the default configuration is stored in the following location:


A project configuration folder contains the following types of files:

  • configuration (.cfg)
  • properties
  • XSLT
  • XSD
  • certificates and keys
Note: When the TIBCO API Exchange Gateway configuration server is started on a machine for the first time after the product installation, the ASGConfig.war archive is extracted under the ASG_HOME/webapp directory. You can notice few errors if you kill the configuration server before the complete extraction of the archive file.

The home page of the Config UI has the following main sections:

  • Global Properties

    Select Gateway Engine Properties from the drop-down list to set the run time properties for the Core Engine as follows:

  • Projects

    You can manage a project configuration. See Manage a Gateway Project Configuration.

  • Advanced Settings

    You can add the settings for an environment.