Editing CDD File using Studio


  1. Navigate to the ASG_HOME/bin directory.
  2. Copy the CDD file (for example, asg_core.cdd) file to ASG_HOME/projects/ASG_DefaultImplementation folder.
  3. Navigate to the ASG_HOME/studio/eclipse directory.
  4. Type the following command to start the Studio:

    Windows platform


    UNIX platform

  5. If you are prompted, select or create the Eclipse workspace directory where your project files will be stored. If you select the option to use this workspace as a default, you are not prompted again.
  6. Click OK.
  7. Close the Welcome screen.
  8. From the File menu select Import.
  9. In the Import Select wizard, select an import source as General > Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next. You see the Import Projects dialog.
  10. In the Import Projects dialog Select root directory field, browse to and select the project: ASG_HOME/projects/ASG_DefaultImplementation.
  11. Click Finish.
  12. In the Studio Explorer, expand the ASG_DefaultImplementation project node. Verify that you see the CDD file (for example, asg_core.cdd) file.
  13. Double-click the CDD file (for example asg_core.cdd) file.
  14. Select the appropriate tab to edit the properties. For example, see Setting Discover URL, Setting Max Active, Setting Priority.
  15. Save the changes to the file.
  16. Back up the original CDD file (for example, asg_core.cdd) file in the ASG_HOME/bin directory.
  17. Copy the modified CDD file (for example asg_core.cdd) file from ASG_HOME/projects/ASG_DefaultImplementation to the ASG_HOME/bin directory.
    Note: If you select the "Copy projects into workspace" option during the import of the project, then the modified asg_core.cdd file exists in the workspace directory. Make sure to copy the asg_core.cdd file from workspace directory to the ASG_HOME/bin directory.