Silent Mode

In silent mode, the installer installs the product without prompting you for information. Silent mode either installs using the default settings or uses a response file that was saved during an earlier installation. In this mode:

  • If no response file has been recorded earlier, invoke the installer with the -silent argument to use the default installation parameters.
  • If a response file exists, invoke the installer with the arguments -silent -V

responseFile="<responseFileName>" to use the values specified in the response file.

By default, the installer uses the TIBCOUniversalInstaller-asg.silent file, which is included in the directory that contains the universal installer. To customize the silent installer,

make a backup copy of the TIBCOUniversalInstaller-asg.silent file and edit the file itself. The file includes comments that describe the installation properties you can set. You can then run the silent installer with or without the response file argument.