Routing Use Case using XSLT
This section describes the GetLocation sample shipped with the TIBCO API Exchange Gateway product to illustrate the configuration steps required for routing. Refer to the GetLocation example in the ASG_HOME/examples directory.
The GetLocation example illustrates how to use a routing key to route the facade request to a different target operation or target operation group. The routing key is derived from the telephone number specified in the address element of the request. The target operation or target operation group must be configured in the Config UI.
For example, If the value of the address element is specified as "tel:+498948956000", the opCoId derived using the substring function (substring($address,6,2)) from the address element is 49.The routing key is populated based on the opCoId as 49. See Configuration for the routing configuration.
- Configuration
Routing configuration using XSLT file for GetLocation example.