Configuring WSS Service Provider


You can combine the properties of LDAP, Subject Identity Provider (SIP) and Trust Identity Provider(TIP) to obtain more than one functionality. For example, you can verify the signatures in an incoming payload, when signed, and also decrypt the request payload, when encrypted.

Use Case

  • Verify signatures in the request payload and decrypt the request payload.
  • Sign and Encrypt the response payload.

Example Properties

See the following properties:


The properties for WSS Service Provider are defined as a combination of LDAP authentication, Subject Identity and Trust Identity provider.

See the following properties to define the WSS Service Provider properties:

Sample File

  • See ASG_CONFIG_HOME/default/wss/ file for the properties and example configuration for decrypting and verifying signatures for the request message.
  • See ASG_CONFIG_HOME/default/wss/ file for the properties and example configuration for signing and encrypting the response message.