The WSS tab on the Config UI allows you to register the WSS resources with the gateway.

To add a new WSS resource, follow these steps:


  1. Click the WSS tab.
  2. Click the Add property icon to create a new WSS resource.
  3. Enter the details for WSS resource parameters, as follows:
    WSS Resource Configuration Parameters
    Parameter Description
    WSS Name The unique name which identifies a WSS configuration.
    Type The type of WSS configuration. Select the type from the drop-down list. The possible values are:
    • WSS
    • Subject Identity
    • Trust Identity
    New Property File A new property file which defines the WSS resources configuration. See Define the WSS Configuration Properties file.
    Existing Property Files Select an existing WSS resources configuration property file. The file must exist in the ASG_CONFIG_HOME/ASG_Project_Configuration/wss directory.