Creating A Load Balancing Pool

This task is required to create a pool to load balance HTTP connections. You can use the configuration utility to create a load balancing pool.


  1. Go to the Main tab of the navigation pane.
  2. On the left, under Local TrafficVirtual Servers, select Pools node. Click the "+" to create a new pool.
  3. Verify that the Pools screen opens.
  4. In the upper-right corner of the screen, click Create. Verify that New Pool screen opens.
    Note: If the Create button is not available, make sure that you have permission to create a pool. Ask your administrator to grant Create Pool permissions to your user role.
  5. Type the name of the pool in the Name field. (for example, asg_http_pool.)
  6. For Configuration field, select BASIC from drop-down list.
  7. Under Configuration section, Go to Health Monitors sub-section.
    1. Add a health monitor as follows:
    2. Click Move (<<) to move the monitor from the Available field to the Active field. For example move the asgping health monitor from the Available box to the Active box.
    3. Verify that the asgping health monitor appears under Active box.
  8. Under the Resources setting, select an appropriate algorithm from the drop-down list for the Load Balancing Method field. For example, you can select Round Robin.
  9. Add the pool members as follows:
    1. Select the New Address option.
    2. In the Address box, type the IP address of the machine where the Core Engine runs.
    3. In the Service Port field, enter the service port of HTTP module on that machine. (for example, type 80, or select HTTP).
    4. Click Add.
    5. You can add a pool member for each server in the pool using steps b, c, and d, if needed.
  10. Click Finished.