The ASG_LOG_MESSAGES table contains the log messages generated by the gateway core engine. When the detail level logging is enabled for the central logger, the ASG_LOG_MESSAGES table is populated.

Columns of ASG_LOG_MESSAGES Table
Field Name Description
LOG_GUID The unique ID of the message.
LOG_TIMESTAMP The timestamp of the message.
  • The site name which processes the request. You can use different gateway sites or environments for TIBCO API Exchange Gateway product.
  • The value for the TRN_SITE field is populated from the Common/Deployments/SiteNumber global variable defined in the ASG_CONFIG_HOME/ file. The default value of Common/Deployments/SiteNumber is 1.
LOG_ENGINE The name of the Core Engine which generates the message. You can assign different engine names when starting the Core Engine. The engine name can be specified using -n parameter to asg-engine command on the command line.
LOG_MESSAGE The text of the transaction log message.
LOG_LEVEL The severity of the log message. The severity of the message is mentioned by the level of logging set in ASG_CONFIG_HOME/ file. The possible values for the level of logging are 0,1,2,3,4.