Host Settings

The host settings are defined under <host-resources> tag by the following variables:

Site Topology — Host Settings
Property Notes
General Settings
host name Name of the computer hosting the TIBCO API Exchange Gateway deployment (including the domain extension). Used for remote access. Used to identify the host in the MM user interface. Required.

To validate the host name, ping the host using this name from the MM server machine.

Note: Specify the exact name of the host. Errors in the host name result in the host appearing in the MM Console UI as an unpredefined machine. Do not, for example, use localhost.

ip IP address of the host machine. Used for remote access. Required.

Use (localhost loop back IP address) for engines running on the same machine as the MM server.

username User name to log onto the host machine.

The user credentials are used for remote deployment and execution, including starting a process unit.

At run time, a dialog box pops up to authenticate the user, for example when deploying a PU. If you provide a username and password here, then the dialog is prepopulated with these values. Enter different values at run time as needed.

If you do not provide the credentials here, then provide them at the pop-up dialog.

Specify a local user or a domain user.

Enter details for the user you specified for the remote connection utility you are using. For example, if you use SSH utility, you specify the username you use for SSH utility.

password Password of the user referenced in the User Name field. The password is encrypted.

See notes in User Name section.

os-type Operating system of the host machine. See the product readme for a list of supported platforms.
Start PU Method Setting
Start-PU-Method Choose the method that MM will use to start this processing unit on remote machines:

Use Hawk

Use PsTools

Use SSH. If you choose Use SSH, and do not want to use the default port number of 22, then also enter the port. The host must accept a secure connection through this port. Using the default port is generally a good practice because it is also the default port used by most Linux SSH servers.

Note that a username and password for the remote machines are required for MM to connect (see notes for User Name and Password fields).

See Install and Configure Software for Remote Start and Deployment for details on each option.

The default value is SSH. Default SSH port number is 22.