Running Global Throttle Manager

This section explains the steps to run the Global Throttle Manager.


  1. Open a terminal window.
  2. Navigate to ASG_HOME/bin directory.
  3. Type the following command:
     asg-engine -u asg-gtm -a ASG_Configuration_Name

    where ASG_Configuration_Name is the project configuration of the API Exchange Gateway.

    For example. if you want to run the Global Throttle Manager for the BookQuery configuration, type the following command:

       asg-engine -u asg-gtm -a BookQuery

    where BookQuery is the current configuration.

    • Make sure that the Cache Agent and the Core Engine are running before you start the Global Throttle Manager.
    • Type the following command to run the Global Throttle Manager:
       asg-engine -u asg-gtm -a ASG_Configuration_Name -n Global_Throttle_Manager_Instance_Name

    where ASG_Configuration_Name is the project configuration of the API Exchange Gateway and Global_Throttle_Manager_Instance_Name is the name of the Global Throttle Manager instance.