Write Transactions Data to File

TIBCO API Exchange Gateway has the ability to log the transactions data of facade operations to a file.

By default, TIBCO API Exchange Gateway stores the transactions data of the facade operations in the ASG_TRANSACTIONS database table. You can write the transactions data to a file instead of logging to the database table when the detail level logging is enabled.

To write the transactions of facade operation in a file, you must specify the facade operation name in the tibco.clientVar.CL/Logging/fileFilter property. See Enabling Transaction Data to a File to configure logging of transactions data to a file.

By default, TIBCO API Exchange Gateway write the transactions data of the following operations (as separated by | character) to the file. These operations are internal to gateway and do not have to be stored in a database.


Note: The Central Logger uses the regular expression search pattern to match the facade operation name in the tibco.clientVar.CL/Logging/fileFilter property. For any facade operation, the operation name must not contain any string which matches the facade operation name in the tibco.clientVar.CL/Logging/fileFilter property.

For example, When a facade operation name is configured, this should not contain test or ping as they are listed in the fileFilter property.