Revoke Token

To revoke an access token from a specific owner, use the following endpoint:

Revoke Token Endpoint
Method URL
DELETE http://ASGServerHost:httpPort/asg/oauth2/access_token/Token_ID

For example,


  • ASGServerHost is the host name running TIBCO API Exchange Gateway.
  • httpPort is the port value for HTTP transport.
  • Token_ID is the access token to be revoked.

Sample Response (Revoke Token)

The following is a sample response for revoke token request:


    "id": "429730f4beacf9882992b19f739f4d2e",

    "accessToken": "T1amGT21.Idup.e3a4999fa859deffe8d430e4464382",

    "refreshToken": "T1amGR21.IdKM.a18216e8acbd12fff96dc6f8fe7e8766",

    "secret": "49a8933c-152f-4486-954e-cf85c7eedb16",

    "owner": "CN=Administrator,CN=Users,DC=config2913vm0,DC=ad",

    "client": "379-be9ad58f-ac8a-4c47-bfe8-3ceb9f57ef39",

    "classification": "oauthsoap",

    "scopes": [



    "status": "Active",

    "key": 0,

    "createdOn": 1412193378135,

    "expiresOn": 1412196978229,

    "grantType": "password",

    "samlToken": null,

    "stringId": "429730f4beacf9882992b19f739f4d2e"
