Sample XSLT File

The following is an example XSLT file which can be used to override the cache response key and response caching parameters:

<!-- The key used to check if a cached response exists for this request -->

<key type="CacheResponse_Key"><xsl:value-of select="$httpRequest/h:request/h:request-uri"/></key>

<!-- This is how long (in milliseconds) we wait for the response from the service before sending a cached response instead -->

<key type="CacheResponse_ShortWait">4000</key>

<!-- This is the time (in seconds) that the response will be retained in the cache -->

<key type="CacheResponse_TTL">50</key>

<!-- What caching semantics are applied?

simpleCache - return a value from cache if present, otherwise invoke service and put response in cache.

improveSLA - use a cached value if the service takes more than ShortWait ms to reply. Freshen value in cache with real response.


<key type="xCacheResponse_Type">simpleCache</key>

Response Caching Example

Out of the box, TIBCO API Exchange Gateway provides a BookQueryBE example. By default ,the queryBookByTitle facade operation is enabled for simple cache response type.