Logging Levels of Core Engine

You can choose the level of logging for the Core Engine. A level corresponds to what types of messages are logged to the log files and what types of messages are filtered out.

Levels of Logging

This section explains the various levels of logging available for the Core Engine.

The following logging levels are supported:

Logging Levels of Core Engine
Level Description
4 Specifies no logging for the Core Engine.

The highest possible rank. This logging level filters out all the logging messages (turns logging off).

3 Specifies Error level of logging.

Logs the run time error messages that might cause the Core Engine to stop running.

2 Specifies WARNING level of logging.

Logs the potentially harmful runtime messages (warnings).

1 Specifies INFORMATION level of logging.

Logs the runtime informational messages of general interest (Information).

0 Specifies Debug level of logging.

The lowest possible rank. This logging level logs the detailed runtime messages. Use this level to identify and debug the issues.

Note: The Levels property in the CDD Collections Tab should be at least set to 1 (INFORMATION) for the log levels of the Core Engine to work.

How to Set the Logging Level for the Core Engine

Set the logging level using the tibco.clientVar.ASG/Logging/MinLogLevel property defined in the ASG_CONFIG_HOME/asg/asg.properties file as follows:


The default value is 1, which is INFORMATION level of logging.

Note: TIBCO API Exchange Gateway stores the configuration files in a directory which is separate from the installation directory. This directory is referenced as ASG_CONFIG_HOME. ASG_CONFIG_HOME is defined during installation time.

For example, on the Windows platform, the value of ASG_CONFIG_HOME is C:\ProgramData\TIBCOASG\tibco\cfgmgmt.